Reiki Mastership
Learn how to teach Reiki through world-class, private, exclusive training

Reiki Master Training
Reiki Mastership is a very special and sacred experience, and a major step on one’s path towards spiritual unfolding and personal Mastership. The Reiki Mastership course with Chantal is designed to reflect this. Upon completion, the student will be fully qualified to teach all levels of Usui Reiki worldwide. In order to ensure that all Mastership students are trained to the highest international standards, this level of Reiki is only taught privately, and prospective students must apply to study this level.
Though the training itself takes at least 3-5 days, the time taken actually depends on each student. Some are trained in this amount of time, whereas for others it may take longer. If more healing experience is needed, Chantal arranges this (at no charge). The training is completed when students successfully demonstrate full understanding of all Mastership techniques, as well as perform Reiki attunements (“volunteers” for Reiki attunement practise are arranged by Chantal).
In the words of Chantal, “When someone contacts me about Reiki Mastership, they are often surprised to find that they cannot simply book a place and turn up. I like to meet every prospective student first for an informal chat for two important reasons. Firstly, the student needs to feel absolutely comfortable and confident with me. Secondly, I need to find out about them. Why do they want to take this step? How much healing experience do they have? How committed are they to the path of becoming a Reiki Master? I want my students to experience a comprehensive, memorable, magical and enjoyable Reiki Mastership course. I also want to know that they will be Reiki Masters of the highest quality and integrity.”
The Reiki Mastership course consists of 3-5 days of one-to-one intensive training (3 days for Advanced Reiki students). An extra days’ refresher course is required for those students who have not taken Reiki 2 with Chantal, this is provided at no extra cost. The course includes the following subjects (and more):
- Usui Master Symbol
- Usui Reiki Master attunement
- Empowerment using the Usui Master symbol
- Antahkarana (all 4 variations)
- Uses of Antahkarana
- Psychic surgery
- Hui-Yin, the sacred secret of Reiki
- Kidney breathing/acceleration of Raku energy
- Reiki meditation exercises
- The Reiki Grid
- Tibetan Master symbol
- Tibetan Fire Serpent symbol
- Reiki Master attunement incorporating Tibetan symbols
- Self-energising exercises
- Energising water for classes
- Spiritual exercises for women and men
- Giving Reiki attunements
- Violet breath
- Healing attunement
- First degree attunement
- Second degree attunement
- R.T. attunement
- Usui Master attunement
- Full Master attunement
- Standard Usui Attunement variation and additional attunement processes
- The Grace symbol (used only in Chantal’s Reiki lineage)
- Giving Reiki introductory talks and dealing with questions
- Communication skills and lecture techniques
A comprehensive manual is provided, as well as full, internationally-recognised certification enabling the Reiki Master to teach worldwide.
For appointments and enquiries, please use the form below, or contact (+852) 9501 0478.