Distance Healing

Experience powerful healing, no matter where you live

Clear results, convenience, and no belief required

When most people hear about distance healing, a common reaction is disbelief. This is understandable, as the logical mind concludes that healing can only happen when the healer is physically present with the client. However, there is much evidence (both anecdotal and scientific) of energy affecting at a distance.

Chantal has been practising distance healing since 1994, as well as teaching and innovating distance healing techniques since 1997, and she and her clients have observed that the results of distance treatments are the same as in-person treatments. She has conducted numerous experiments whereby the persons receiving the distant treatments weren’t informed about it, yet each of them experienced clear and positive results. She also conducted these experiments with animals, again with positive results.

A distance healing session with Chantal starts with her calling the client before the treatment begins (although this isn’t possible in some cases, the treatments will still be successful), to ensure that they will be either lying down or sitting comfortably. After this, she begins the session, which takes the same amount of time as a session in-person (at least one hour, often longer). When the session is finished, Chantal calls the client to give a full “report” on their state of health and to give advice on practical steps the client can take in improving their health and well-being.

Just as the results of a distance and in-person session are the same, Chantal has the same sensitivity, clarity, and insights, and gives detailed information about a client’s state of health on all levels, whether by distance or in-person. Please click for detailed information of in-person healing sessions.

Chantal has distance healing clients in Hong Kong and around the world. The reasons for them requesting distance healing are varied:

  • they don’t live in Hong Kong, but would still like treatments from Chantal
  • requesting distance healing for their friends and family members
  • local Hong Kong clients preferring the convenience
  • for animals or people who don’t want to/can’t be physically touched
  • curiosity in experiencing distance healing

Whatever your reason, a distance healing session is an effective alternative to having a treatment in- person.  

Please note that Intensive Healing Sessions can also be done by distance. 

For appointments and enquiries, please use the form below, or contact (+852) 9501 0478.

You don't have to believe in Reiki
For it to have a deep effect on you.
You don't have to believe that fruit is delicious
In order to enjoy it.
But you'll have to take a bite first.

Contact Chantal