Free Downloads

Take time for meditation anywhere, anytime.

Here you will find my guided meditations, available to listen to or download for free.  These quick and easy-to-follow meditations allow you to take time for meditation anywhere, anytime.  

You can also visit my YouTube channel, where there are healing tutorials that anyone can practise, with extra instruction for Reiki (or other energy-healing) practitioners. 

Heart Chakra Guided Meditation

Download from SoundCloud

This meditation strengthens the heart chakra, increasing self-love and love for others.

Grounding and Energising Guided Meditation

Download from SoundCloud

You don't have to believe in Reiki
For it to have a deep effect on you.
You don't have to believe that fruit is delicious
In order to enjoy it.
But you'll have to take a bite first.

Contact Chantal