About Chantal

Chantal Phillips
Since her early teens, Chantal has been aware that she can sense areas of disease and disharmony within others (clairsentience), but it was only when she was attuned to Reiki 1 in 1994 that she realised her healing path. When she places her hands on another person, or even looks at a photo of them, she feels any physical, mental, emotional, and energetic issues that the person has. Over the years, this ability has continued to increase in strength and clarity, as has her clairvoyant abilities. It enables her to efficiently locate and treat issues, receive information about the causes of issues, and give full, clear and accurate assessments and advice to all of her clients.
Chantal shares her experience before learning Reiki:
I had been suffering from depression and insomnia for about 10 years. I was also very frustrated because I deeply felt that there was “something” that I was supposed to be doing with my life, and especially with my hands, but had no idea what it could be. At a very low point, and feeling that I needed healing, I reached out to different healers in Hong Kong… but none of them would see me because I couldn’t afford the series of healing sessions that I knew I needed. In desperation, alone in my room, I broke down in tears and asked for help. The following day, I met someone who mentioned Reiki, and when I heard that word for the first time, I felt something like a jolt of electricity through my body. I had to know more! She referred me to her Reiki Master, and not knowing what I was getting myself into, I joined her Reiki 1 class. To say that it changed my life is a massive understatement!
I didn’t believe that Reiki could be so easy to learn and practise, so to test it, I decided to practise it every day for one month, and if I didn’t see any results, I would just drop it. But within that month, I was sleeping better than I had in years, my depression began to lift, and my energy levels went up. Soon afterwards, I learned Reiki 2, and experienced much more dramatic self-healing. My intuition and clairsentient abilities became stronger, those around me began asking me for treatments, and I realised what I wanted to do with my life (and my hands!): to help and heal others, as well as teach them to heal and help themselves through teaching Reiki and other energy-healing practises.
Originally from Canada, Chantal has been based in Hong Kong for many years, where she lives with her joyful, pink-nosed dog and giant tortoise, on one of the peaceful outlying islands. Though she works happily in Hong Kong, she enjoys being invited to offer her services in other countries, as it allows her to meet new students and clients in new places, share health and well-being with others, and discover new experiences.
Chantal is a fully-certified Reiki Master Teacher, and an independent Reiki practitioner and healer since 1994. Since 1997, she has conducted workshops in all levels of Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki™, as well as other energy-healing courses, in Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Egypt, Canada and England. In addition to teaching and healing, she is frequently invited to give talks about energy-healing at wellness events, as well as on podcasts.