Animal Healing

Powerful healing for all animals

Effective healing for your animal friends

Since 1994, Chantal has been successfully treating all sorts of animals: dogs, cats, horses, elephants, birds, reptiles, and others. She has had a great love for animals all of her life, but it was her success in treating her dog with Reiki (shortly after learning Reiki 1 in 1994) that convinced her that Reiki was not “all in the mind”. Since that time, she has treated countless animal “clients”, shared many healing moments with them, and has included animal treatment in all of her Reiki 1 classes since 1997 (with many of her students going on to specialise in animal healing).

As with humans, Reiki can be used to treat anything, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Chantal has years of experience in treating animals for injuries, illness/disease, speeding up post-surgery recovery, and emotional issues such as fear, separation anxiety, and depression. It is also an excellent alternative to treatments such as acupuncture, which some animals do not tolerate well. Reiki also provides the mental and emotional healing that few alternative practises are able to.

As she does with her human clients, at the end of every session Chantal will give a clear and full assessment of the animal’s state of health and well-being, with practical advice being given as to what the animal’s caregiver can do to assist.

Distance healing sessions are recommended for animals that are anxious with new people, have difficulty staying still for extended periods of time, or cannot receive hand-on treatments for other reasons.

For appointments and enquiries, please use the form below, or contact (+852) 9501 0478.

You don't have to believe in Reiki
For it to have a deep effect on you.
You don't have to believe that fruit is delicious
In order to enjoy it.
But you'll have to take a bite first.

Contact Chantal