Grounding Explained, and 5 Simple Ways to do it.
Grounding can be simply described as being centred, present and level-headed. This state exists when we have a strong and clear connection with Earth energy (“chi”). In order to be grounded, the chi needs to be able to flow freely up through the legs to the area of the first (or sacral) chakra where it can then flow through the chakras/along meridians to the rest of the body’s energy system.
Grounding is important, because when it is healthy and strong, it results in one being more patient, practical and self-disciplined. Rather than feeling “all over the place”, daydreaming excessively, or being “all talk and no action”, when we are grounded we are able to put our ideas into action. Emotionally, there is more balance and calm. Physically, personal vitality is good. When one’s grounding is weak, it manifests as being forgetful, accident-prone, unfocused, impractical and/or unbalanced and often the feeling of lacking in vitality.
Grounding is something that most of us need to work on and maintain, so here are five ways in which you can do this:
Spend some time in nature, ideally enjoying a physical activity. However, even just 10 minutes sitting in the park, breathing deeply and evenly while you intend or imagine that you are drawing in chi (see this as white light coming up from the Earth, entering your feet, and travelling up through your body), can be very beneficial.
Do a grounding meditation. If your mind is particularly “busy”, try a guided meditation for grounding so that you can more easily stay focused. There are many good meditations you can try, so sample a few and find one that you really enjoy. You’re welcome to try my guided meditation for Grounding and Energising, which is freely available here: and here:
Strengthen your first chakra (located at the perineum). You can do this by visualising your first chakra as a ball of red light. As you breathe in, imagine the ball of light glowing and growing, becoming brighter and more brilliant, growing to the size of a basketball. When you exhale, simply allow the breath to leave your body. You can do this daily (ideally in the morning, for a good start to the day!) for 5-10 minutes. Reiki practitioners should apply the energy to the first chakra during this process for maximum effectiveness.
Learn an energy practise. Reiki and other forms of energy healing, and practises such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong are all examples .
If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can do wonders for your grounding by taking just 10-15 minutes per day to apply Reiki to your first chakra, legs and feet.
I would also like to discuss “Earthing”, which is akin to grounding. Earthing is defined as placing one’s bare feet on the ground (especially when it’s humid or wet) in order to connect with the electron-enriched Earth, resulting in an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for the “fight or flight” response during any potential danger, whereas the parasympathetic nervous system inhibits the body from overworking, and restores the body to a calm and composed state. The differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are based on the way the body responds to environmental stimuli.
The Earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, circulation, and other physiological processes. It could even be that earthing is the most effective, easiest, and least expensive way to gain antioxidants.
How to ground (or “earth”)
Walking barefoot is one of the best and easiest ways to ground (or, “earth”) yourself, but it needs to be done on the correct surface. Most surfaces do not allow for the transfer of electrons between the Earth and your body. This includes wood, rubber, plastic, vinyl, asphalt, and tarmac. The following surfaces, however, WILL allow your body to ground: sand (beach, especially damp), grass (preferably damp), bare soil, concrete and brick (as long as it isn’t painted or sealed), and ceramic tile.
Exercising barefoot outdoors, or even taking off your shoes as often as possible when you’re outdoors, is a great way to take advantage of natural opportunities for grounding.
Indoors, and even whilst flying, there are also ways to help you stay “earthed”. At home, touching the water-tap with one hand whilst brushing teeth or shaving with the other hand will help to ground you. Whilst flying, you can “earth” yourself by removing your shoes and placing your feet (with or without socks) on the metal struts of the seat in front of you. So, you can see that the process of “earthing” is actually very simple and “do-able”!
I hope that you give these suggestions a try and experience life with a greater sense of balance, purpose and increased vitality. Or perhaps you have some suggestions of your own that you would like to share? If so, I’d love to hear them.
Wishing you lots of positive energy and experiences,